Wedding-party dancers.Back in Kabul, we threw some water on our faces at the hotel and went to Laila’s mother’s house. Laila’s brother was married a week ago, and today’s party was a ladies-only affair where the bride received gifts. About 50 people were in the small apartment, singing, dancing eating…the men generally in one room, and the women in another. We met Laila’s mom, sister, two brothers—all incredibly handsome people. Her brother and his bride met each other for the first time on their wedding day. When we asked the groom what he had to say after a week of marriage, “I highly recommend it.” Without her permission, we can’t show you a photo of the bride, but she is beautiful. She received so many gold rings as gifts from the family, she ran out of fingers.
We were honored that Laila invited us to such a family affair, and thrilled at the warmth that her family and new in-laws extended to us.