Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Networking the Dubai Way--Wow

Students and faculty of Dubai Women's College with, in back row, Toni, Pam and Ray.

So, a couple of months ago, Nao Valentino, a Harvard classmate of Bpeacer Masuda Sultan is making a speech in Dubai, and asks for a clip from “Thread,” the upcoming documentary that Bpeacers Laurie Chock originated. The clip was seen by Monica Gallant from the Dubai Women’s College who reaches out to Bpeace saying she would be interested in talking about how the college could get involved. Fast forward to yesterday, when Toni, Ray and Pam Varkony stop to meet with Monica in Dubai before flying onto Kabul. Monica brings other members of the DWC faculty and a few students. Before you know it, the ideas are flying, and here are excerpts from the email we received from Monica today. The bottom line: there’s an excellent change our Afghan associates will now have Dubai Women’s College faculty and students helping them grow their businesses through visibility, retailing and training!

From Monica: “We are very inspired by your commitment to this worthwhile project!

“I will list the ideas by time frame:

“Upcoming Academic Year (Sept 2006-June 2007)
• Provide market entry strategies for businesses into Dubai (explore partnership opportunities)
• Provide designs for packaging, logos etc (our graphic design students will likely get involved here)
• Work on building a brand identity around “Rangeen Kaman Afghan Trading” concept (Editor’s note, this is the networking group our Afghan associates formed)
• Design web site for retailing
• Design web site for training modules
• Write some training modules on specific topics (eg cash flow, IT, retailing, etc)
• Host Afghan women for training at DWC (if funds are available to cover transport costs)
• Start a Bpeace chapter on campus

“Longer term
• Provide materials and design ideas and commission Afghan women to produce products for purchase in Dubai (requires funding and/or connection with local retailers)
• Provide fulfillment services in Dubai
• Send some faculty members and/or students to Afghanistan to provide training
• Find business women in Dubai to mentor Afghan women (might be possible to find a few in the short term)

“I hope that we can accomplish all of these ideas but even if we could complete half of them, I think it would be great!

“Say hi to the Afghan women from us!


It's so exciting to know that you are all over there. Wow! Great networking in Dubai. These are all powerful ideas that have the potential to move our associates to another level. We are gathering more allies to join us in making our associates successful.

Wendy, welcome to the adventure that is Kabul. How wonderful that you were embraced into the Bpeace associate community even before your feet touched the ground!

Sending love,

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