Thursday, April 20, 2006


Gardens and Lakes and Golf, an Easy Day to Start

Before Toni, Pam, Farah and Ray arrived from Kabul on , Wendy, Paula and Najib were off to the Women’s Garden.

We drove through Old Kabul – dusty little shops with colorful people. And seeing women in burqas is still something that astonished Wendy.

The Women’s Garden was created about 100 years ago by the King. Only women and children are allowed in – there are some shops as well. We stayed there for the morning and met the manager – Nilab Sadat. Nilab is only 22 years old and extremely articulate and educated. Beautiful girl too.

We interviewed her for almost ½ hour and it was fascinating to hear the views of someone so young and yet so mature. She organizes projects, finds managers for the projects and then sees them through. She would be a great person for the second phase of Bpeace's associate program as she was telling us about non-traditional industries that women could get involved with. Her dream is to start a commercial high-end bakery and make baked goods that are not just the typical Afghan things.

Back to hotel where we greeted Farah, Toni and Ray and Pam. Toni reviewed the next few days and then we were off to lunch. We went to a place suggested by Rosemary which had a French flavor and was quite tasty. While Paula and Laila went off to BN’s for a photography session, we went to a lake outside if Kabul. Passed The Kabul Golf Club. Instead of "greens" they have sort of "browns"--each hole is set in a brown circle on a side-of the moutain course, best described by Ray as a "billy goat course."

Should we add the The Kabul Golf course to our list of items for the upcoming auction? Just kidding ;)

Glad to see that you are all safe and sound and already making a difference.

Please send my regards to Najib, Laila and the others.

Ok Paula, I need you to get some pictures of the golf course - Do I need to pack my clubs in November? Perhaps we need to create a training module for our associates entitled "Networking on the Links"!
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