Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Bpeace B2P (Business to Peace) team had sent the mission team with a discussion guide to delve into how the associates describe their visions of peace, and what they think their role could be as businesswomen in the peace process. The discussion could have run on for days. Peace to many of them is “peace of mind” build on education, better health, justice, equal opportunity, freedom to succeed, music/art/culture and men and women working together. They believe women can have a substantial impact on peace through the unity of women working together. Wendy broke the group into small peace discussion groups and the conversation within them was intense. Scooting out of the peace discussion, Ray donned his best blue blazer and Hermes tie and went calling on banks in order to assess their interest in making loans to our associates. Kirsten Weiss of Shorebank, who we only met for the first time on Wednesday night, was good enough to accompany Ray on his rounds. With two meetings under his belt, Ray (and Marla who he phoned to report into) are pleased with the response. Today’s banker said he can offer loans from $7,000 up to $250,000 and an interest rate that is very competitive, even without Bpeace guaranteeing a part of the loan. Our associates will have to qualify to the bank standards. Ray “show me the money” Maloney has several more appointments coming up this week.
The associates viewed the first of the training videos today—“How to Write a Business Plan,” produced by Bpeacers Yasmin Ibrahim and Karine Baczynski. At first Asmat was concerned that the videos wouldn’t afford them the opportunity to ask questions. But Toni explained that the videos were no substitute for in-personal training and advice from Bpeace. The videos provide a base of knowledge while Laila, Rosemary and the mentors provide the “consulting” to help the associates get the specific assist they need.
Rosemary and Ray interviewed an accountant today to help the associates get their bookkeeping in order, while Toni in the next room showed the associates a cool Excel spreadsheet tool that Yasmin developed. The Excel tool accompanies the “How to Track Your Money” workbook developed by Bpeacer Sabra Richardson. Bpeace associate Kamela and Toni walked the associates through the workbook and tool. And to finally round out the money portion of the day, Toni sent the associates home with a workbook to read, “How to Finance Your Business,” developed by Marla and Bpeacer Liza Pullman which takes the associates step-by-step how to apply for loans. Kamela, who has her own consulting and training business, was most impressed by the training materials and wants to use them in her work with Afghans in several provinces.
The liveliest part of the day was when Toni asked the associates to “bet” on how many new jobs they would create in the next year. Amazingly, the associates “bid” between 8 and 20 jobs each.
As the first day of training closed, Toni and Rosemary reviewed products to pass onto the Dubai Women’s college. Hanifa Skar Ali brought blockbuster handbags we hadn’t seen before, and scarves with a unique ribbon embroidery design that Rosemary thought would be a big seller in the right Kabul market.
An evening treat for the team was dinner and ice cream with Rian Harris of the US Embassy, whose knowledge of business in Afghanistan both informed and entertained us. Yes, there is cotton being produced here. All the cashmere is washed in Herat and taken out of the country. And silk is making a comeback as many NGOs bring silkworm larva to farmers with mulberry trees.
Don't forget to check Pam's blog in her newspaper at:
Congratulations on your sartorial achievement. Who would know that Hermes (the brand)has as much sway in Kabul as it does on Madison Avenue? Have you brought along other totems of power?
Reading this blog makes me giggle, smile, swoon and rejoice in the work and the achievement of Bpeacers who have the smarts, the savvy, the expertise and the humanity to reach across the world and help our associates.
Much love,
Elle(n) Lubin-Sherman
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